Friday, 11 July 2008

Race for Life

Well it's nearly upon us. The Race for Life is happening this Sunday at Southampton Common. My Saturday morning training with Janet and Christina has tailed off a bit over the last couple of months as we've all been quite busy at the weekends so we don't feel quite as prepared as last year, although I did manage a whole three miles without stopping last week when I went out with hubby (he has a super-duper watch thingy that tells you how far you've gone). It was the first time I had actually run for three miles without stopping at all and even managed a kind of sprint for the last few hundred yards!

I am now rushing around asking people to sponsor me as I had put my form away back in January when we received it and kept meaning to look it out. I put it off as I hate asking people for money, even when it is for such a good cause, but as that is the real reason for entering I am now smiling sweetly at everyone at work so I can get my form filled up. Luckily we have some really nice people working here who are happy to help.

Lets hope the rain holds off, but if not it will still be a great event I'm sure. This will be the third time I've run it and the atmosphere is always really good.

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