I realise it's a month since the day, but thought I'd put a couple of pictures from Christmas Day on. Niall and my brother's two lovely girls played some Carols for our entertainment after Christmas lunch. My Dad said he was so proud to see all his grandchildren playing together and it made his Christmas -he is a good musician so it is really nice to see it has passed on to them (missing me out, of course, although I like to think I can hold a tune - but Ian and Niall would almost definitely say different!).
My sister-in-law Linda cooked us a delicious meal and Mum and Dad and Linda's mum were there as well so it was a real family affair and nice to spend some time together. My eldest niece is away at university now too so we only get to see her in the holidays.
Ian took the picture on the right, not being fond of having his picture taken was quite happy to do the snapping for most of the pics. It was a really lovely day!!
1 comment:
It looks like you all had a fab day!
I hope your felting is coming along better than mine, I have done so little!
Have a lovely week…love Lou xxx
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