Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Crocheting - again

I bought Niall a new hot water bottle a couple of weeks ago to replace his tiny ‘baby’ one that he still has and he asked me if I could get him a cover for it as he likes it made with really warm water so that it stays hot for some time, but is too hot to begin with.

Mum and Dad have recently given me a couple of bags from their loft containing loads of wool that I amassed when I lived at home when I used to do quite a lot of knitting and crochet, with Mum’s usual comment of ‘have a look through and see if you want to keep it, if not it can to go the charity shop’ - and it usually ends up in our loft!

I have had a real hankering to do some knitting or crochet lately and got some of my books out that I've got in the last year or so and found a pattern that looked ideal. He wanted shades of blues preferably so I found some blue/greeny shades left over from a jumper I crocheted a frightening amount of years ago, luckily in the same bag was the correct size crochet hook I needed, and off I went - I'll let you know how I get on later.
This is it in production ......

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