Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Feltmaking Course

Last Monday evening I started a short five week feltmaking course. We are lucky to have Rachel Reynolds a local textile artist http://rayreynolds.wordpress.com/,who is covering maternity leave in the Art department at the college, teaching it. Last week made three pieces of felt in various shades of the same colour - not sure what I am going to do with them yet, may have a go at making them into jewellery pieces.

Last night I made a bowl. I had made a couple of vases and a small bowl last year for my textile course, but they were a bit too flimsy so wanted to have another go at making one a bit more sturdy. One of the aims of the course was to try and learn different techniques for making pieces and it was interesting watching Rachel demonstrating how to make the bowl as I am not very good at following instructions from books (as much as I love craft books) and find it easier when I am actually shown what to do. I was quite pleased with the result as it is quite firm and enjoyed the two and a half hours indulgence very much!!

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