Thursday, 31 December 2009

Just like buses ...

Well I haven't blogged for months and now two come along right after each other!!!

Just had to put this on - think I may have had a message from Mum about getting my ass in gear in 2010 (although she wouldn't really have approved of the word 'ass', she would have appreciated the sentiment where I'm concerned!!). Was talking to Anne and Beverley this afternoon about Beverley and I getting together in the new year and trying to set up a website for local crafters and whilst I was putting in my details to receive a newsletter from Create-every-day to spur on my creativity in the new year, at ://, I tried to set it up once and did it wrong, but the funny squiggly word that I had to put in (do you know what I mean???) was 'Valiere' and when I looked at it quickly thought it said Valerie ), my mum's name, even though she was known as Val by most people, and the second time I tried to set it up the squiggly word was 'geehaloo' - my maiden name was Gee and haloo is pretty self explanatory!! I said to Ian, do you think that's Mum trying to tell me to get on and actually do something in the new year and not just talk about it - and he said he thought it was too - spooky, but in a nice, positive way I think. Thanks Mum, love you xxxx

Happy New Year to all!

Hi - its been six months since I last blogged and thought tonight would be a good time to put a new post on - Happy New Year to anyone who may look at this.
It's been a strange year, Mum died suddenly the late May bank holiday weekend which none of us expected, she had had some tests that month but things were so much worse than we could have imagined and for Mum's sake (and probably for ours too - despite the awful shock), it was probably for the best - if only we'd had more time to tell her what we wanted to. Dad has done amazingly well considering and I don't really think it has hit me yet, but you just have to get on with things as you can't change anything, much as you may want to. I can't believe that this time last year everything was so different and really want to get on in the new year and start achieving things that I've just thought about in the past as I'm sure that is what mum would have wanted.

Anyway to all of you out there I wish you a happy, healthy, prosperous and creative 2010!!!

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Dance Salsa!!

Started Salsa classes on a Sunday night, back in March. I go with Anne and Kerry from work, and Beverley, who was already a friend of Anne's that I did my textile course with last year. We've really got into it and have recently moved up into the 'Improvers' class, apart from Kerry who is still in the Beginners as she started after us. We really enjoy it and this Friday we are going to a Salsa workshop being held at our local theatre. We have a class with a professional couple, then they do a show afterwards so it should be a good night. In the summer holidays we will try to go more than one night a week as the classes are held locally at different venues on different nights, but as Anne and Kerry work for Adult Education and have to work some evenings during term time it is difficult for them to go at the moment. We do feel that we would make progress more quickly if we practised more than once a week. The other things is that it is the ethos of the club and probably of Salsa in general that the ladies will also ask the men for dances which comes quite hard to us all, being of similar ages and having that awful fear of rejection - but having said that everyone is always really nice and you know that you wouldnt be turned down unless for a really good reason, but it is still really hard to do and some nights I have more confidence than others, but as the men are usually in shorter supply than the women, you have to be quick off the mark or you won't get many dances, that's not to say that the men don't ask at all because they do. Anne was on fine form this week and was snapping men up as they got off the dance floor and ended up having a good lot of dances. I really must be more assertive this week because as much as I enjoy watching everyone else dancing, it is good to be on the dancefloor yourself!!

Thursday, 18 June 2009

If only I had a big one!!

Just read Lou's latest comment on her blog, Ludabelle, it made me laugh and reminded me of an email I got sent by our security guard at work with the title 'If only I had a big one'. In case you don't know, me and my hubby both work at the same college and hubby Ian is a 'Premises Assistant' which is really a posh name for caretaker/maintenance man. One of his many and varied duties is cutting the sports field and I got sent some pics of him which had been caught on the security camera - he's always moaning that the one he uses isn't up to the job and I think this photo shows why he suffers from tractor envy about the one they use at the school next door!!

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

My cardigan

Mentioned that I was making a crocheted cardigan a couple of posts ago. Thought I'd put a picture on. I've done the back and this is the start of the left front. Don't know how long it will take me to finish, thought I'd run one up in a couple of days (ha ha) and do several in different colours - taking longer than I anticipated, but only picking it up every few days. I'm using wool from years ago that I half knitted a jumper with and never finished - typical of me - but I am determined that this will be finished soon so that I can put it on over a strappy top on those balmy summer nights!!!
Had better sign off for now. Have promised to get some cards done for the girls at work for tomorrow!!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Feltmaking Course

Last Monday evening I started a short five week feltmaking course. We are lucky to have Rachel Reynolds a local textile artist,who is covering maternity leave in the Art department at the college, teaching it. Last week made three pieces of felt in various shades of the same colour - not sure what I am going to do with them yet, may have a go at making them into jewellery pieces.

Last night I made a bowl. I had made a couple of vases and a small bowl last year for my textile course, but they were a bit too flimsy so wanted to have another go at making one a bit more sturdy. One of the aims of the course was to try and learn different techniques for making pieces and it was interesting watching Rachel demonstrating how to make the bowl as I am not very good at following instructions from books (as much as I love craft books) and find it easier when I am actually shown what to do. I was quite pleased with the result as it is quite firm and enjoyed the two and a half hours indulgence very much!!

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Catching up

Can't believe it is so long since I blogged last - have been going through a stage where I haven't even been looking at other people's blogs - don't know why this is I went through a stage like it last year.

Have had a really sad couple of weeks - will write more soon to explain.

Have started crocheting a cardigan, been very therapeutic, will put a pic of it on soon.

Have missed my exchanges with Lou at Ludabelle and will try and get back into the blogging soon.

Monday, 16 February 2009

The finished article...

Well I finished Niall's hot water bottle cover, with a bit of adapting.

Although the picture in the book looked like it was on a full sized bottle, when I came to the end of the instructions ... it was tiny and a perfect fit for his old 'baby' bottle. Admittedly I hadn't tried out the tension instructions before I started (do I ever?), but did check them when I realised how small it was and they were almost perfect, so it wasn't that - so I kept on going to make it longer then added a couple of extra rows around the edges to widen it a bit, and was quite pleased with the end result, and I had really enjoyed making it.

My Grandma (my Dad's mum) taught me how to crochet, she was brilliant at knitting and made us loads of things when we were growing up, so I feel she would be looking down now, pleased that I had picked up a crochet hook again! My other Grandma was excellent at sewing and I used to make loads of clothes and always went to her if I was stuck on something because she could always work out how to put right my mistakes - usually made because I was too impatient - I haven't changed, one of the reasons why I like crochet is because it grows quickly!!

Niall was chuffed and asked if I could make him a bottle straight away so he could try it out, so that's the main thing! They way it's going to be milder this week!! Typical!

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Crocheting - again

I bought Niall a new hot water bottle a couple of weeks ago to replace his tiny ‘baby’ one that he still has and he asked me if I could get him a cover for it as he likes it made with really warm water so that it stays hot for some time, but is too hot to begin with.

Mum and Dad have recently given me a couple of bags from their loft containing loads of wool that I amassed when I lived at home when I used to do quite a lot of knitting and crochet, with Mum’s usual comment of ‘have a look through and see if you want to keep it, if not it can to go the charity shop’ - and it usually ends up in our loft!

I have had a real hankering to do some knitting or crochet lately and got some of my books out that I've got in the last year or so and found a pattern that looked ideal. He wanted shades of blues preferably so I found some blue/greeny shades left over from a jumper I crocheted a frightening amount of years ago, luckily in the same bag was the correct size crochet hook I needed, and off I went - I'll let you know how I get on later.
This is it in production ......

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Pleasant Sunday

On Sunday Morning, Janet and I ran the David Lloyd 5K race. We did it with Christina last year, but she didn’t feel fit enough to run it this time, although Janet and I took off a couple of minutes from last year’s times and we felt Christina is probably fitter than she realises, although I did feel that my lungs were going to burst out of my chest on the hill up to the finish!!

Niall had arranged to meet his friends in the afternoon, so after going home and getting changed Ian and I went to Hilliers Arboretum there was a Photographic Exhibition on that we wanted to see and we had also decided to get a year's joint membership as Mum and Dad have given us money for our anniversary which is next week. You can use it to get into Kew Gardens too and as we have always wanted to go there but never been yet, have decided to go there next Friday in half-term (weather permitting of course).

We had a nice lunch there – I can recommend the smoked haddock and prawn fishcakes – delicious – we looked round the exhibition, there were some really fantastic ones there, and it was quite interesting to see what we thought had been ‘Photoshopped’ or not, although some did actually say that they had been. When we finally went out for a look around the gardens it was just starting to rain, but we carried on anyway and I’ve included a few pictures that we took, although obviously it was not at it’s best in the rain.

It was a good day, apart from the rain... must get some housework done soon .....

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Half a Snow Day!

Woke up to the biggest flakes of snow I have ever seen this morning. I was surprised how much more snow had laid overnight. As Ian had contacted his boss last night to see if the college would be open today and had been told that it would be open for any staff that wanted to come in, I felt I should make the effort as the college is only at the end of the road. I made my way through fairly blizzardous conditions (I'm not exaggerating, honestly) expecting the college gates to be shut firm, but although there was a sign out saying 'College Closed' in no uncertain terms, as the gates were open I thought I had better go and see if anyone was in.
I spoke to Ian's boss, the head of Premises whose house is next door to the college, so definitely no excuse for him getting in, who said the Principal and one of the Vice Principals were going to try and get in a bit later, so for two hours I sat in my side of the building on my own doing a very mundane job that didn't need too much thought - but I did bring the camera in and as I was only one of about half a dozen people that had come in, felt justified in taking a few pictures of the college quad which only took a couple of minutes anyway. The quad is a really pretty space at any season and the pictures don't really do it justice.

I hadn't brought any lunch with me as I really thought the college wouldn't have been open, so spoke to the Principal's PA who had made it in later in the morning and said I had finished the job that I was doing and was it okay if I didn't come back in again after I went home for lunch and she said that was fine and they wouldn't expect me back this afternoon.

I admit, I didn't do a lot this afternoon apart from catching up with a couple of ER's and Grey's Anatomy's that I hadn't got around to seeing yet - but I did go on my trampette and jogged and jumped for half an hour before tea - it is definitely getting easier than it was and I horrified Niall by saying that I would be so toned by the summer that I would be getting into a pair of very small hot pants!! For some reason, he was not amused!!!

Monday, 2 February 2009

A Snow Day - at last!

Woke up this morning to Niall calling - "Mum we've got snow" - and snow we certainly had, I haven't seen the like for years and Niall has never seen it like this. These views were taken from his bedroom window.

I made him go to school as we hadn't heard that it was actually closed at the time (not so mean as it is only about quarter of a mile away) and I walked to work which is literally at the end of our road but he phoned me and said they had heard that school was closed so he went straight over to one of his friend's house for most of the day.

It had been decided that the college (where I work) should officially close for the day, but Cindy and I went on the switchboard for an hour letting callers know that it was closed whilst a message was sorted out to put on the answerphone, and a couple of the ladies from the canteen that had managed to get it in had made some delicious bacon butties that they were handing round, so it was worth going in just for that!
We were allowed to go at 10 am and I later walked across the nearby park to put my Dad's, Ian's and my entries in for the B&Q 10K race at the Civic Offices. I have never walked (and jumped) through so much beautiful virgin snow and I took great pleasure in zig-zagging across the grass on the way back, looking behind me to see where I had walked - I loved it! The sun came through a break in the heavy grey cloud and I had to stop and actually gasped in pleasure at the snow literally glistening in front of me!! I don't think the expression 'getting in touch with your inner child' had so much meaning to me as when I was stepping into all the new white snow feeling like a five year old!

Niall had a great day with his friends and said they made a massive snowball that in the end the four of them couldn't roll it anymore as it was so big.

Ian only had to go into work for a couple of hours as he was on the late shift but as there were no Evening classes on he had an easy day too, so we were all happy!

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Christmas Day Celebrations

I realise it's a month since the day, but thought I'd put a couple of pictures from Christmas Day on. Niall and my brother's two lovely girls played some Carols for our entertainment after Christmas lunch. My Dad said he was so proud to see all his grandchildren playing together and it made his Christmas -he is a good musician so it is really nice to see it has passed on to them (missing me out, of course, although I like to think I can hold a tune - but Ian and Niall would almost definitely say different!).

My sister-in-law Linda cooked us a delicious meal and Mum and Dad and Linda's mum were there as well so it was a real family affair and nice to spend some time together. My eldest niece is away at university now too so we only get to see her in the holidays.
Ian took the picture on the right, not being fond of having his picture taken was quite happy to do the snapping for most of the pics. It was a really lovely day!!

Monday, 19 January 2009

Walking and running and jogging!

I don't know what's happened lately, I don't seem to have the time to sit and type or even catch up with my favourite blogs. I think part of the problem is that since I started back to work I have done so much staring at a screen typing physics diagrams and things that I can't face going on the computer when I get home and I really want to try and make my blog look more attractive but will have to experiment with the camera as my pictures always look so dark.

On the positive side I have been doing quite a bit of exercise which I suppose is a good thing, and (almost) completed the Romsey 5 mile race last week, except I took the wrong turning about quarter of a mile from the end and wondered why the finish sign was facing the other way and so didn't quite complete it and missed getting a medal - but I was quite pleased that I managed to keep running for (just) over four miles before having to walk and actually managed to overtake a couple of people on the way round so I must be improving!

A couple of Saturdays ago, (the really really cold, frosty one) Janet, Christina and I walked to Winchester along the river, with a stop off on the way at Brambridge Garden Centre for breakfast. Everything looked absolutely beautiful and I stupidly forgot to take my camera - it's funny I used to take my camera everywhere and I have got out of the habit over the last few years but really would like to get back to taking photos as it's something I really used to enjoy. It was a lovely day and it was so nice to see things from a different perspective from being in the car or on the train and we will definitely do it again later in the year. We did get the train back but mainly because it was about 2pm when we got to Winchester and we wouldn't have made in back in the light (especially after stopping off for a cup of tea and a scone - well deserved I think!!).

I have also started using my trampette that I bought back in September from someone at work to do some jogging on. It is quite fun and I will try and do it two or three times a week (or that's the plan).

Anyway I'd better sign off now as it's gone 11 pm and I think my contact lenses have welded themselves to my eyes!!

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year to Everyone!

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy, healthy and peaceful new year!

Wow it's been a hectic week and a bit. We've seen so many family and friends, it's been really great but means that I've hardly had a chance to sit at the computer. Will put something a bit more detailed on soon. Bye for now! x