Thursday 10 July 2008


The night before last we went to the school for a Celebration Evening. Niall had won an award but we didn't know what for. We thought it may be PE as he normally does well in that and has been on a special day at Soton Uni recently to do with it, but it turned out that it was Music. He started playing the sax last October and has picked it up really well, although as with everything else we have to keep on at him to practice. He had to take his options a couple of months ago and his teacher was really keen for him to take it at GCSE as she thought he would do really well in it, so me must have made an impression on her. He took his Grade 1 sax exam last Friday, full of a cold, which isn't very helpful when trying to breathe through one's nose - but he seemed to think it went fairly well, apart from a couple of duff notes on the scales and said the sight-reading piece was easy and that the examiner was nice - so hopefully he will pass.

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