Friday 4 July 2008


Well, here we go. Not sure if I'm doing this right but I'll carry on.

It's been a hectic week, had to take things into college for the exhibition of our Textile work ready for moderating, which took place today!! Will just have to wait now to see if I have passed. It was only put up on Tuesday and has already had to come down this afternoon as there is some photography work to go up ready for next week. I'm feeling a sense of anti-climax now after all the panic about finishing things off in the last couple of weeks, but there were some absolutely brilliant pieces done in the class and it was nice to go for a drink with Anita. our great teacher and some of the girls from the class last night as an end to the course.

I'll say 'bye for now as I have a headache coming on and probably sitting at a computer at 11.20 at night isn't the best idea!

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