Wednesday 23 July 2008

Quick card

Thought I just put a piccy on of a card I've just done for Beverley, one of the ladies I met on my course. She made a brilliant lamp based on global warming made from all sorts of recycled bits and pieces. It was rectangular in shape and each side represented a different aspect, the Ocean, the North Pole, the Rain Forest and the Coral Reef. It looked great when it was finished and was amazing that something so decorative was made from things that people would throw away. I must get into the town this afternoon to post it as it's tomorrow - better get a move on!


Kate said...

Hi - look I made it! (I did pop by before but was too out of it to say anything!) Hope your friend liked her card - I liked the idea of her lamp. Mmm interesting. (I'm always trying to think of something productive for the girls to do!)
I keep thinking it's just as well poor old Phil passed away. He'd have loathed mad old bats lusting after him!! xx

Nessie's Nonsense said...

Hi Kate, thanks for your comment and sorry it's taken so long to reply. I haven't put anything on for ages, after the mad flurry starting the blog up I kind of had a long break from it and now am keen to get going again. Anyway, thanks for looking - I must admit it's quite exciting to get a comment, and you were my first one! Oh and Beverley was very pleased with her card by the way thanks.