Tuesday 15 July 2008

We did it!!

Well Christina, Janet and I completed the Race for Life on Sunday. The weather was just right, slightly cloudy and the air was quite fresh.

We weren't able to park where we'd hoped so had a longer walk to the start than expected which doubled up as our 'warm-up'. We decided not to get as close to the start line as we did last year as we all started off a bit quickly, carried along with the faster runners (which we definitely are not), so meandered up to the start and paced ourselves. Janet soon split from Christina and I, being the fittest of the three, but Christina and I stayed together until the last kilometre when I pulled away on a slight slope - but we all ran all the way and agreed that we had enjoyed it most of all the four races we have done. The encouragement all the way round the course was brilliant and we all felt pleased we had done it.

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